The holidays are quickly approaching and with them come stress, parties and get togethers. Less time sleeping, more time socializing, visiting, eating and drinking and we often forget about taking care of ourselves and feel exhausted by the time the holidays are over.

This holiday season, don’t forget the most important person, yourself! Here are 5 easy gifts to give yourself this holiday season!

  • Home Cooked Meal – plan a day or two where you can stay home and have a great holiday meal in the comfort of your own home, no where to go but just enjoy the food, the lights on your tree, the fireplace and perhaps a nice glass of wine. Try one of these excellent recipes: Lamb Coconut Curry, Heart Warming Beef Stew!
  • Take a Bath – Have a bubble bath, or a relaxing epsom salt bath with some essential oils, lavender will do nicely.
  • Go for a Walk – Bundle up in your layers and galoshes and take a stroll, even stop and grab your favourite coffee or tea to take with you. Even though its wet and cold, the city is still beautiful, let yourself explore.
  • Turn off all Electronic Devices – Disconnect from your computer, social media, your phone and live like we did 10 years ago, connect with those around you and not those online.
  • Create – Be creative, have a hobby, take it up again, feel your passion for that hobby and how great you feel when you take the time to remember it!

The holidays are a time for giving, but it is important to give back to ourselves too! Have any other easy self gift suggestions, let us know, comment below!