Balanced Life = Balanced Health

In order to be healthy, it is important that we live a balanced life. A balanced life means different things to different people, and perhaps we don’t even really understand what balance is. If we look at it the terms of a scale, we know that in order to not...
Going Natural

Going Natural

Society is slowly beginning to recognize the difference between pre-packaged goods and natural goods. We have come to understand that the majority of the products in our house include chemicals, unnecessary sugars and additives, but why are they in there? Clearly many...

It’s Snack Time!

by Dr. Alexa Rauscher, Naturopathic Doctor Here are two healthy snack ideas for you to try.  So, instead of reaching for the cookies or chips, try some of these healthy snack ideas.  But be careful, you may catch yourself eating the whole lot. Baked Kale Chips This...
Free Yourself of Stress

5 Ways to Start a 10 Minute Fitness Routine

Starting a fitness routine is a challenge, starting one at home on your own time is even more of a challenge. Many people have memberships to gyms, yoga studios and other fitness centres and they very rarely attend. Having a fitness routine, needs to be exactly that a...